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Our nature-immersion program is for children 2.5 to 7 years old. Depending on readiness we've had many 2.5 year olds thrive if they are ready to be outdoors in all weather from 9-1p, stay with the group, and come back when called. We are also recently approved as a Heartwood Charter Homeschool vendor and are a popular choice for TK, Kindergarten and even 1st grade.


In Summer and Fall of each year we typically have the most openings due to the start of Kindergarten.  For those families seeking Fall enrollment our process is below. For non-Fall start dates, we have a rolling admissions process giving priority to those families on the wait list. 

1. Attend a Virtual Open House. (Only Available December to February yearly)
This event will provide you with a complete introduction to the site and our practices and philosophy. 
2. Submit a Prospective Family Form & Application Fee
This starts the process providing our Director (Evelyn) with helpful information about your child and family’s needs. It also adds you to our wait list for any upcoming openings. 

3. Take part in a Getting to Know You Phone Call. 

Evelyn will reach out to schedule a 30-minute call. The parent call is a 30-minute meeting with the Director to discuss particular questions you have about our program, discuss your child and/or childcare, needs.

4. Take Part in a Play Date to see our program in action. 
The play date is an opportunity to come with your child to experience Mighty Bambinis in action. Limited play dates are available so the Director will schedule it with you.
5. Enrollment Offers & Acceptance.

Acceptances will be offered in Spring for the following Summer or Fall. At other times in the year, we have admissions on a rolling basis as spots open. 

Contact Us

(628) 245-5493‬




Who: 2.5yo-6 year olds

Locations: Mill Valley & Tiburon

Ratio: 1:5

Hours & Schedule

Year-round or 9 week summer camp June to August

9-1pm M-F

9-3pm M-F for children no longer needing a nap


**non-Mighty Bambinis children 3y-7y can apply just for summers only


Learn more at by emailing Evelyn at


Have an Infant or Toddler?

March 2024 we'll be re-launching our toddler and caregiver/parent classes Tuesdays at 9:30am or 10am. Add your name to our interest list here. 


If you need infant + toddler care, check out RIE-inspired infant care program Pixie Nursery in Strawberry, Mill Valley. Educarer Adriana is RIE Foundations trained.


For caregiver + toddler classes in San Francisco, check out Early Childhood Matters Explorers. 





Our year-round program serves children 2.5yo to 7 years old from 9am-1pm or 9-3pm M-F

Year-round Program

Monthly Rates 9-1pm

$1900/month 5 days/week

$1200/month 3 days/week

$800/mo 2 days/week

$1800/mo 4 days/wk but must be flexible about which day taking off per week


Monthly Aftercare 1-3pm

1 day/mo $180/mo

2 days/mo $360/mo

3 days/mo $515/mo 

4 days/mo $670

5 days/mo $800/mo


*Sibling discount 10% on one sibling


Summer Camp Rates - FULL, join waitlist

3 consecutive weeks minimum+ (all summer preferred)

$500/week 9-1pm M-F

$750/week 9-3pm M-F

+ Summer Registration & Materials Fee $100


An annual materials fee, one-time registration fee, and non-refundable last month's deposit to be submitted to reserve your child's spot.

​Contact to schedule an enrollment appointment.

Program Details

Who: Ages 2.5 - 7y 

When: Year-round M-F 9am - 1:00pm or 9-3pm

Where: Nature spot in Mill Valley


Cohort: 5 teachers with 25 children​


Closures mirror Mill Valley Schools calendar. 



  • Martin Luther King Day (M)

  • Presidents Day Week (M-F)

  • Spring Break (April M-F)

  • Memorial Day (M)

  • Juneteenth & Summer Teacher Prep (M-W)

  • July 4th week (M-F)

  • August Closure (2 weeks M-F)

  • Labor Day

  • 2 teacher planning days 

  • Veteran’s Day (F)

  • Thanksgiving Break (M – F)

  • Winter Break (2 weeks)​


A little shout out:

Save the Planet by using Compostable Diapers from Earth Baby. 

When is my child ready to join Mighty Bambinis?

We believe our program is great at meeting the needs of most every child. We on average have about one children a year with sensory processing or mild ASD. We believe our program is inclusive and well-suited for most children that stay with the group and are eager follow confident, loving teachers. However, there are certain skills and competencies that are important to our nature immersion programs that not all children at our accepted age ranges can be expected to possess. The following abilities are essential for a child to be safe and successful in our programs.


  • They come and/or respond when name is called, not run away from or ignore teachers/adults;

  • Willingness to learn to pee and poop in the woods on trees or in a travel potty.  We can help teach how, but they have to be willing to do it. There is no toilet onsite.

  • Is comfortable and capable of being away from parents and guardians;

  • Can follow instructions;

  • Can remember and follow basic safety rules;

  • Can mostly stay with whole group activities (snack, lunch and circle) for roughly 15 minutes each;

  • Generally tolerant to varying weather conditions- cold, rain, heat;

  • Working on being able to independently dress and undress and pack their own lunch up after eating;

  • Able to carry small backpack w/ lunch and water and gear on gear lists;

  • Able to be outside for 4 hours

  • Willing to wear appropriate clothing for various weather conditions (e.g. raincoats, hats, gloves, boots);

  • Not prone to running or hiding when upset;

  • Able to communicate needs or issues to an adult (cold, discomfort, etc);

© 2021 by Mighty Bambinis 

Mill Valley, CA 94941

(628) 245-5493


NOTICE OF NONDISCRIMINATORY POLICY: Mighty Bambinis admits students of any race, color, national origin, and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, and ethnic origin in the administration of educational policies, admission policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other administered programs.


PRIVACY POLICY: Mighty Bambinis will not sell or rent your personally identifiable information to anyone for any reason. We may collect IP addresses and record your browser version. This information is  used solely to improve the design of our web site and guard against malicious attacks. Your information will not be shared with any third party.

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